sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2016

Thomas Hoepker en blanco y negro

Nápoles / 1956 / Cinema in the outskirts of Naples, Italy

Berlín / 1963 / Children playing at the Berlin Wall

Berlin / 1963 / Children playing at the Berlin Wall
Berlin /1963 / A young boy playing with an East German border guard near a barbed wire fence along the border between East and West

Nevada / 1963

Texas / 1963

 California / 1963 / Tourists visit a sculpture exhibition in Forest Lawn Cemetery

East Berlin / 1974 / Platz der Akademie

Texas / 1963
California / 1963 / Young Stormtrooper of the American Nazi Party

Mississippi / 1963 / An African-American settlement in the Mississippi Delta.

Más de Thomas Hoepker
1/ TH a color
2/ NY / 1983

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